Phettberg CAN AFRICA starvation
A Sunday in Vienna Sunday the world dissolved in the severity of the unaffected and Hermes Phettberg, Josef Fenz from Hollabrunn, the fence in Gumpendorf, the Roman Catholic, confirmed, warm, sadomasochistic, self-appointed rulers of early retirement, leaving only a few seconds after the first ring without hesitation and consultation free hum the door and five floors later we see him on the threshold of his Housing prepared by the apparently strange waiting unusual sound of his own bell on redemption and on extinction.
Remember me? He does not. Then after all. I'm on his list, which never-more-again list. I'm sweating. We are in the kitchen, this is the same forty years old, rotschwarzmelierte PVC - soil with gaping butt as in the kitchen of my grandmother. Seven years have passed since I last saw him, now he looks up, he inflicted insult my searching, "I have decided to no longer perform, I'm in the process no longer ORF to want to go back," Now would be the moment to Walking, I'm stuck on rotschwarzmelierten PVC and he suddenly opens his refrigerator door: In addition to a three pack of crackers only utter emptiness. "Come," he says and goes forward with bowed head in the fridge, I followed. "They do not believe so, how difficult it all falls, for months I could not wash my hair," he laments, while behind us revert to the refrigerator door and the lights go out. "I do not understand how I got on their list," is shrinking. "This is completely irrelevant," replies Phettberg, "in here, I rule absolutely, and absolute power is always arbitrary," I sit in the trap, "But I am aware of no guilt ..." "So you imagine me innocent guilty? There is a feeling of the greatest pleasure for me if her colleague in front of the refrigerator door, let's say tomorrow, with my DNA in the ass, is found dead, I have not killed him, so innocent am! A clear conscience I could face the penalty and looked after me would know! "I stare frozen in the dark. "Come and have continued since the rear chairs, my grandfather in 1907 are self-made, I only have old furniture and clothes, for something new I can not spend money," he drives a match, light it on. The refrigerator turns on the inside much more spacious than it looks from the outside, but, besides the two chairs and the three pack of crackers, at the entrance, he is also empty, I think, close Phettberg on the frozen refrigerator bottom in the direction of his grandfather chairs sliding.
"Wim Duisenberg is dead, "cries Phettberg," What? "It is windy, we arrived at the chairs. "My debts have already arrived at fifty thousand € and with every step they will be more outside the home. The other day I went to Cologne, the fee was so low that I have consumed on the way in the dining car, you know? That's the problem! The cost me out of my apartment to tow, in a take me far too narrow seat on the plane or train or theater space, all of these injuries happen to me here may, of these small allowances, and of these a lot to be covered to small fees never ! Each walking outside the home, "says He sat on the chair in the refrigerator, "is hell and brings gallons of sweat, stress and panic at any time means five pounds of fat and a thousand € more debt! To move outside the home can, I would have been to see a hairdresser, buy me new clothes in the right size and this also from time to wash, you know what it cost me alone a visit to the laundromat a lot of effort and money? Clothes in my size are virtually non-existent, I need custom-made, which I can not afford, of course, this blue shirt that I wear now is now seventeen years old and the only thing I still fits! "The blue shirt was enough to the navel, I drifting back to the grandfather's chair in the dark of the refrigerator while Phettberg slowly disappears into the fog. He turns to leave shortly on his toes. "If they reach Africa, they align in mind that the Boys this week are just for me, all love"