As a traveler it is a strange hybrid, enter the two at first glance appears counter-motivations one indissoluble bond: the desire for acquisition and also for strangeness. The former is manifested in the movement through space, into the journey into the depths of the landscape. The appropriation is to be thought as a physical experience as in the literal sense. The desire for strangeness, however, is a phenomenon of the surface, this is a pleasure in looking, sparked by the images of a foreign land or at sight a new city. These contradictions are not to be thought of as rigid dualism, but go together a dynamic relationship. The one created and sustains the other, the other is in the One - deleted - in the Hegelian double sense.
In his paintings, says Daniel Angermayr of such dynamic contrasts. There is one between nature and culture: At first glance, appear to me his views of the forest, such as images of the natural, and only in the further consideration and reflection on the idea of this course, creeps in a strange uneasiness, the view remains on the markers cultural (over-) shaping hang. Culture will become brittle to a designated piece of nature, the boundaries between the categories.
The most productive contrast is that between the inside and the outside. In the title Inside Outside Home he is free to speak for us. In the combination of images and those of Gemeindebaufassaden a radicalized intimacy of the body, the question of the connection between the inside and the outside out even further. Here are two forms of depth difference: In the images of the facades, so clean surfaces, as it is the space behind entered the picture. In doing the photographs from the interior to a very different and yet related kind of strange abyss. To be sure, both, housing and human abyss, imagined space, and refers us - in a gesture of media self-referentiality - back to the surface. Space is in photography not as the result of our imagination, with which we imagine ourselves to flush lines in a landscape - straight under the bridge and on and on, to see to the right side of the road, the road sign of Monopoli is. One can not really miss.
Daniel Angermayr map out the series of pictures to be explored terrain. Mark the approximate boundaries of the site, draw key issues and outlines, and note this and that in the legend. The resulting map is - as each card - the result of a gradual abstraction and open to our ideas and fantasies: What makes us after the building in which we have followed the white rabbit, expected to go only to us, and Alice in something.
Yvonne Giedenbacher
Yvonne Giedenbacher