"The Specific [...] is that [...] the German state, [ ...] by law the competence claimed some general policy directions to eliminate political, banish them once and for all from the stage of the political. The political repression here has pushed back the situational, occasional moments that make them in the past was characterized genheit, it has been superseded by the specific circumstances and risks of specific variable conditions and is at unlike in the traditional emergencies, states of emergency police and hazardous situations, with certain dangers and their political assessment widely independent. The "liberal democratic order" legitimize its repression is not specific to the specific situations and states but on a general ideological level. "
( Friedhelm Hase," Bonn "and" Weimar "comments development of the "occasional" to "ideological" state protection, in: order power ed by the ratio of legality, consensus and rule of Dieter Deiseroth / Friedhelm Hase, Karl-Heinz Ladeur, EVA: Frankfurt am Main, 1981, 69 - 84?. here. 70; fat Hv d. Admin )
"[...] not the oath under the banner of" human image of the Basic Law 'defending the economic system is more true than the anti-fascist'. The renunciation of the proven high costs associated with - and, in his last three southern European refugia liquidated - unsecured cooperate with the rulers of a political system become independent, they share with the federal counterparts in the rest of Europe. The Einschwören the Verrechtlichungsstrategie is her German alone, [...]. The method of Beorderung one is a matter of ever new about the beating and rolling Justice to clear democratic fires can not be exported to countries that have not completed the German marriage of law and policy and management therefore not a judicial tradition of a politically undesirable and, therefore, as in the political assessment , abuse, 'appearing on the exercise of rights and legally, abuse' is. These countries need not be the blessing with the consequences. To make this clear to close by once again using the example of so-called prohibitions: 300 cases of 'prohibition' in a West European country where no books been burned are are 300 cases of either illegal or legal measures covered, and the illegality recognized and publicly criticized or not cemented law can be attacked quite political. 300 cases of 'prohibition' in the Federal Republic are executing the highest bid of the Constitution, one militant democracy 'in a country where, defended the rule of law' is if the policy option of a company group to bypass the parliament by illegal legalization in general public authority to implement mandatory. That can only understand in a country where before with any political Measure, protected, the right 'and the bearing this thinning of the political consciousness is not yet over. This leads to self-censorship - and therefore concerns about the 300, stakeholders', all - in whose establishment the country without a modern history of book burning are not interested "
(Helmut Ridder, the Tropic of Fundamental Rights, in:. Leviathan 1977, 467 - 521, here 520 f.; fat Hv d. Admin )
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