Tuesday, September 7, 2010

How To Wire Home Subs

Tens of congratulations and gifts

dear readers,

I am quite touched by your love luck wishes for my birth anniversary Eichentlich with myself, I wanted the character of my modesty birthdays quietly to myself, but Mrs. Hummel has squealed to the world that I will oller :-)

herzelichsten Thank you very much for the cards, the emails and even gifts overtook me from the blogger world. From
husband Rich, I got something wonderful out of a big bouquet of roses, who can can count them as young as I am now :-) (SORRY, you can not see the back * Gluck *)
The lovely Andrea Hummel honored me with a large fortune package from the lovely Switzerland.
She gave me a lovely birthday pennant from old books and handicrafts, and on top are two angels and the words "Bon anniversaire ma cher", which now hangs over my dining table.
That is so sweet that it will probably hang longer. The garland I mean.
Kuckt times, she packed me a complete starter package autumn lovingly
finest Geburtstagstee from Lucerne herbs, delicious authentic Swiss chocolate for the soul! Vitamin kang to health, a homemade card for Hummel Froide, bath melts to relax, a wonderful lavender candle along with a matching room fragrance that enchants my bedroom and now legga bombom
(And I hope that the packet autumn refers to the season and not at my stage of life :-)
and wonderful cuddly soft-knitted gray bezopfmusterte Hummel hand cuffs so that the mämstlichen Patschefingerchen not freeze so turn built with small Hämatitsteinchen
Thank you dear Hummelchen so I am well prepared for the fall and start my new life!
I shut you up in Switzerland!

Hoite And there came a wonderful red-white-dotted of style package, the grin me all day and giggle broad leaves.
umzwirbelt in red striped paper with the most lovely hydrangea blooms (Hoddensienblüddn), Nicole has sent me my beloved addictive substance from Schafhausen. Eben Pfalz green WASABI Nüssla and Schüps. That stuff causes biggest addiction and dependency is so rat-sharp that it will be an immediate destruction must undergo. I sacrifice myself for selfless selflessly.
As if that were not enough, she lovingly hand-made lace still dearest little money burlap pillow with frog-green polka-dotted hem. I watch, is not it herzallerliebst! It also fits in perfectly to my crush and is there already, in addition to its green frog Froinden.
And then I just yesterday her key supporters admired in frog green with house and hey presto isser ended up with me! Who so may have the glory, may send women of style here in Mähatelier a petition and an order :-)))

Who else is curious, however, reflected in the with DANGER labeled Packerl befandte, let him prepare mentally for the gift of horror Horror of Death . Mrs. sheep of style knows that I love horror movies to fall asleep, so she gave me a particularly scary copy in the special edition director's cut sent.

It is such a creepy thriller that I think about a public viewing on small Gallinesischen market place (the words foot ape place) to hold for Halloween, but the film is safe net for minors, so He is gezeicht until midnight.

Are you b (e) horse?


What an absolute horror scarier! This version I do not know yet and that's why I Froi wildest about this gift! :-) The

best luck gift it is to have found a Froindin.

Thanks from the heart.

And what was organized in small Gaul to the celebration, I signed you next time your



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